DNI Bible Supplement Series, with Bloomsbury T & T Clark
The DNI Bible together with Bloomsbury T & T Clark publishing house are happy to announce this new monograph series. The Goal of the series is to produce monograph-length, in-depth, multidisciplinary studies on specific topics within the broad spectrum of nature and nature imagery in the Bible. Discussions are expected to shed light on biblical nature imagery and to define what we gain from the life & natural sciences subfields that might produce a better understanding of specific biblical texts.
If you are working on any of these wide and challenging issues – please, contact Dalit Rom-Shiloni dromshil@tauex.tau.ac.il
Key Features
- The series will publish high-quality scholarship built upon multidisciplinary cooperation.
- Books will be published in print and digital media. They will be advertised in the DNI Bible website with a link to Bloomsbury.
- Each book will be printed in color throughout.
- The series will be structured thematically, according to specific biological fields as they appear in biblical literature.
- Titles may be over a wide range of topics concerning nature references in the Bible, taken from the five fields of nature: fauna, flora, landscape characteristics, climate systems, and water sources.
Imagery and metaphoric language of nature are of great interest; as also comparative studies on nature imagery in the Bible, in ancient literatures, and in iconography.
Titles may address methodological considerations, questions of identification and taxonomy (including history of identifications).
Titles may discuss conceptions of nature in biblical literature, in other ancient literatures, and up to the modern conceptions of nature that were informed by the Bible.
- Each volume will be authored by at least two co-authors, a biblical scholar and a scholar (or more) of the biological fields (or of other scholarly fields) as required by the topic.
If authored by a single author, the manuscript should at least be consulted with professionals of the respective fields.
Members of the Editorial Board:
Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Editor-in-chief (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Mark Boda (McMaster University, Canada)
Kathe P. Darr (Boston University, USA)
Christian Frevel (Bochum University, Germany)
Paul M. Joyce (King’s College, UK)
Hanne Løland-Levinson (University of Minnesota, USA)
Andrew Mein (Durham University, UK)
Christophe Nihan (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Hans U. Steymans (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Beth Stovell (Ambrose Seminary, Alberta, Canada)