With great pleasure we share the good news that a new AM SBL consultation unit will start its meetings in San Diego, November 2019:
Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible
Co-chaired by Mark Boda (mjboda@mcmaster.ca) and Dalit Rom-Shiloni (dromshil@tauex.tau.ac.il)
This multi-disciplinary consultation focuses on the plethora of nature references in the Bible, discussed by scholars of Bible, archaeology, iconography, life and natural sciences, and more. Our common goals are to enable better exegesis of biblical nature imagery and to address the biblical authors’ conceptions of nature. The consultation offers new trajectories to address the long (almost) neglected field of exegesis of nature imagery in the Bible. In our discussions, and via the expected studies our presenters will produce, we aim at structuring ways for the interdisciplinary work required to decipher particular nature images. As part of the AM, this unit will allow new modules of study to flourish and gain scholarly attention in the most effective way.
For San Diego 2019, we plan two sessions, one thematic and one methodological. While part of the program is already invited we call scholars who work on the proposed fields to contact us and send their suggestion.
For details, please, see news below.
As you recall the SBL AM deadline for submissions is March 6, 2019. Please, contact Dalit Rom-Shiloni (dromshil@tauex.tau.ac.il) ASAP.