In Denver 2022, Consultation “Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible” plans four sessions, three of them are open for suggested proposals:
(1) We will initiate a new thematic session on “Climate and Weather in the Bible.” Seasons, winds, various kinds of precipitation, and times of drought are among the climate experiences authors in the Bible have utilized within narratives, poetry, wisdom writings, and more. We will accept papers, and encourage presenters to draw multi-disciplinary collaborations to decipher the biblical imagery, its contents and functions.
(2) We will conclude our third year of the methodological study session in collaboration with Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible Section, focusing on “Conceptions of Nature in Literature and Iconography: Methodological Considerations.” This will be an invited session, to further discuss “Conceptions of Nature in Ancient Cultures” asking what would be considered as conceptions of nature in literary and pictorial ancient sources?
(3) We invite papers for the Open session on any topic relevant to this group’s focus on nature imagery in the Bible.
(4) We will establish a new co-operation with the Israelite Prophetic Literature unit on “Nature Imagery in Prophetic Literature” and so invite papers on prophetic texts in the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah – Malachi) or on ancient Near Eastern prophecy. Nature images can draw on a wide range of topics including fauna, flora, landscape characteristics, climate systems, and water sources. This year’s preference will be given to proposals related to landscape characteristics and water sources.
You are invited to take advantage of this Call and send your proposal via the SBL website to the co-chairs, Mark Boda and Dalit Rom-Shiloni.