DNI Bible Supplements’ first issue has appeared!
July 22, 2024
The present volume searches for different biblical perceptions of the wild, paying particular attention to the significance of fluid boundaries between the domestic and the wild, and to the options of crossing borders between them. Drawing on space, fa …
DNI Bible broadens its community of Experts
March 24, 2022
Post-doctoral and senior scholars, as well as PhD students at their final stage, are welcome to apply as authors of various sections within the highly multi-disciplinary project.
Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible – SBL 2022, Call for Papers, by March 15, 2022
March 24, 2022
The Consultation “Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible” accepts proposals for Denver, Annual Meeting of SBL 2022. You are invited to take advantage of this Call and send your proposal via the SBL website to the co-chairs, Mark Boda and Dalit Rom-Shiloni.
Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible – Thriving for New Phases
March 24, 2022
The Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible was promoted to be a Section at the SBL Annual Meeting.
New Filmed Presentation on our Publication Page
March 1, 2020
You are invited to watch Prof. Noam Levin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) on “The Wilderness and the Sown in the Land of Israel”.
Three sessions in San Diego, SBL 2019 Annual Meeting
June 19, 2019
The Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible New Consultation will hold two session on the theme: Crossing Borders between the Wild and the Domestic, Space, Fauna and Flora 1 and 2. In addition, The Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible in cooperation with the Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible will convene over the topic: Conceptions of Nature in Literature and Iconography: Methodological Considerations.
NEW SBL Unit: Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible, 2019-2021
February 23, 2019
With great pleasure we share the good news that a new AM SBL consultation unit will start its meetings in San Diego, November 2019: “Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible” co-chaired by Mark Boda and Dalit Rom-Shiloni.
Call for Papers: Nature Imagery and Conceptions of Nature in the Bible, SBL San Diego, 2019
February 23, 2019
As a new consultation unit we plan two sessions for San Diego, one thematic and one methodological. We look forward to comments, suggestions, and to having scholars join us for an inspiring meeting in San Diego, 2019.
Two sessions on the DNI Bible project in Denver, USA, November 17 and 20, 2018
November 8, 2018
The SBL Annual Meeting program devotes two sessions to presenting the DNI Bible project.
Biblical Hebrew Poetry session, in Denver, SBL Annual Meeting, November 17, 2018, 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM – S 17-306
November 8, 2018
Our theme for the Biblical Hebrew Poetry session is “Lions, Leopards, Bears from the Forest and the Thickets of the Jordan: Nature Imagery and Images in Biblical Hebrew Poetry”. This session will be devoted to showcasing this exciting new project and involving collaboration between researchers of natural sciences, iconographers, and biblical scholars. On our program: Mark Boda, presiding; Dalit Rom-Shiloni introducing the project and a film interview with Israeli botanists and a zoologist, Yoel Melamed, Uzi Paz, and Avi Shmida; Classist: Anna Angelini; Iconographers: Sanna Saari and Izaak de Hulster; and a response by a biblical scholar: Carol Dempsey; followed by plenty of time for open floor discussion. Please, join us!
Metaphor Theory and the Hebrew Bible session, in Denver, SBL Annual Meeting, November 20, 2018, 9:00 AM to 11:15 AM – S 20-123
November 8, 2018
The Metaphor Theory and the Hebrew Bible chose to discuss “Nature Imagery in the Hebrew Bible”. Presided by Pierre van Hecke, four papers will be presented by Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé, Andrea Weiss, and Katheryn Pfisterer Darr. Please, join us!
New Face and additional improvements to the DNI Bible website
November 8, 2018
We are happy to launch the improved website.
Recruiting contributors to write the various layers of the DNI Bible
November 8, 2018
As a highly multi-disciplinary project, the DNI Bible calls professionals of various fields to join in and contribute in your area of specialty.
EABS vlog with Dalit Rom-Shiloni on the DNI Bible project
November 8, 2018
A welcome initiative of the EABS has opened a “scholars’ corner” and the “Vlog on Hot Spots and Trends of Recent Research.” Dr. Katharina Pyschny, University of Lausanne, CH has interviewed Dalit Rom-Shiloni about the DNI Bible project.