Prof. Dalit Rom-Shiloni, DNI Bible Project Leader, Department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dalit Rom-Shiloni is a Professor of Hebrew Bible at Tel Aviv University. She leads the DNI Bible project, and serves as General Editor of the DNI Bible Supplements series with Bloomsbury T & T Clark. She writes extensively on Hebrew Bible theology; group-identity conflicts within the Judean communities of the Neo-Babylonian and the early Persian period; inner-biblical allusion and interpretation mainly in Jeremiah and Ezekiel; the formation of sixth-century BCE prophetic and poetic literatures; and on nature imagery and conceptions of nature in the Hebrew Bible. Rom-Shiloni is the Founding Director of the Orit Guardians MA and research program, dedicated to the study and research of the Ethiopic Bible Scriptures of Beta Israel. She serves as General Editor of the journal Beit Mikra; and is a member of the SBL Council.
Dr. Alexander Breitkopf, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, McMaster Divinity College, Canada

Alexander Breitkopf, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at McMaster Divinity College (Canada), where he completed his doctoral studies. His dissertation, ‘Job: From Lament to Penitence’, has been recently published by Sheffield Phoenix Press (2020). His research interests include the book of Job, Wisdom Literature in the Hebrew Bible, and the relationship between human society and the broader natural world in the ancient Near East.
Anat Alcalay, MA student in Biblical Studies

Anat Alcalay is an MA student in the Department of Biblical Studies at Tel Aviv University. She is currently writing her MA thesis on Day of YHWH prophecies in Second Zechariah and their place in biblical thought (under the supervision of Dr. Guy Darshan), expected to be submitted by the end of 2022.
Dr. Enav Vidan, Zoologist, Ecologist and Conservation Biologist, Tel Aviv University
Enav Vidan is a zoologist, an ecologist, and a conservation biologist, deeply passionate about our natural world and its protection. She earned her M.Sc. and her Ecology at TAU, and focused on global lizard macroecology. Currently, she is on a postdoctoral position at the Mitrani Department for Desert Ecology, in Sde-Boker. Her project focuses on prioritizing the Israeli land-vertebrate fauna for conservation, in light of current and future development schemes, and climates.
Dr. Florian Lippke, Curator for Levantine and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at the BIBLE+ORIENT Museums Fribourg, Switzerland

Curator for Levantine and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at the BIBLE+ORIENT Museums, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Research and Teaching Assistant to the Chair of Old Testament (with lectureship in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages) Teaching Assignments at several universities in Switzerland, Germany and Israel.
Dr. Giulia F. Grassi, Research Assistant, Seminar for Old Testament Studies, Göttingen

Dr. Giulia Francesca Grassi holds a PhD in Sciences of Antiquity from the University of Udine (Italy). She worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Semitic Studies in Marburg and is now a Research Assistant at the Seminar for Old Testament Studies in Göttingen. Her research interests include Semitic epigraphy (particularly the Aramaic texts of the first millennium BC), Semitic lexicography, Anthroponymy, History of the Aramaeans and of the Aramaic-speaking communities.
Prof. Hadas Saaroni, Climatologist, Tel-Aviv University

Prof. Saaroni is a full Professor of Climatology. She is the head of the climate and environment research group at the department of Geography and the Human Environment, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences. Her fields of expertise include regional climatology, synoptic climatology, climate change, urban and applied climatology. Her research, combining theoretical and applied aspects, uses ‘environment to climate’ and ‘climate to environment’ approaches.
Dr. Haim Moyal, Ornithologist, Zoologist, and archaeologist, Levinsky-Wingate College

Dr. Haim Moyal is an ornithologist and archaeologist. His greater passion is for birds. Focusing on ornithology, Moyal worked with Yossi Leshem (Tel Aviv University) as education manager of the International Center for the Study of Bird Migration and conducted his PhD studies in the University of University of Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj, Rumania (2012).
Dr. Peter Joshua Atkins, Biblical Studies, University of edinburgh, Scotland

Dr Peter Joshua Atkins is a Teaching Fellow in Old Testament and Hebrew Bible at the University of Edinburgh. He received his Ph.D from the University of Chester where he was also a Visiting Lecturer. His doctoral research focussed on the human-animal boundary in Daniel 4 and is the subject of his monograph The Animalising Affliction of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4: Reading Across the Human-Animal Boundary (Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2023). His research interests include animals in the Bible, interpretations and receptions of the book of Daniel, and the influence of Neo-Babylonian and ancient Near Eastern literature upon biblical texts. Peter is also co-chair of the Animals and the Bible research unit for the European Association of Biblical Studies, and has published several other academic articles on animals in the Bible.
Dr. Raanan Eichler, Department of Bible Studies, Bar Ilan University

Dr. Raanan Eichler is Senior Lecturer of Bible at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. He received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and completed fellowships at Harvard University and Tel Aviv University. He is the author of The Ark and the Cherubim (Mohr Siebeck, 2021) and numerous scholarly articles. His academic interests include Israelite beliefs and ideologies, ancient Near Eastern iconography and the Hebrew Bible, textual criticism, and reception history. Raanan was on post-doctoral year with the DNI Bible project over 2016-2017.
Dr. Reuven Givati, PhD in Atmospheric Science (University of California at Davis) and MA in Biblical Studies (Tel Aviv University)

Reuven Givati has a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Planetary Sciences, both degrees from Tel Aviv University, and a PhD in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of California at Davis. Reuven is mostly interested in the knowledge of meteorology in the Hebrew Bible, and in 2019 he recieved an MA degree in Biblical studies with an MA thesis on the knowledge of meteorology among the authors of Biblical literature
Dr. Shira Penner Rosenvasser, Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University

Dr. Shira Penner Rosenvasser (PhD, Tel Aviv University, 2020) is a biologist, specializing in the fields of Botany, Evolution and Ecology, in the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University. Shira is developing contents for the department of education and science communication in the Steinhardt Museum, as well as functioning as the laboratory manager of the archaeobotanical laboratory in the Museum led by Prof. Dafna Langgut. She also serves as a botanical consultant of the DNI Bible project.